RFP Automation

Automate RFP Responses

1up generates hundreds of answers in minutes
using accurate sources you trust.


Whether you use a knowledge base or a manual process,
getting to a complete response takes forever.

You always have to painstakingly search, read, select, and re-write responses.

These tools don’t pull from external websites, so you’re stuck doing extra research.

You’re often forced to select from older responses that are out of date.

1up gives you one correct answer every time.

Skip researching and writing answers — 1up automatically generates the best
answer based on all your internal and external knowledge.

Automate RFP Responses in Minutes with AI

Save your team $1,000+ per questionnaire

A 100-question RFP can take multiple employees a combined 12 hours to complete.
You could be spending that money on a team trip to Hawaii.

Automated Knowledge Base for RFPs and Questionnaires

Get lightning-fast answers 
from your favorite data sources

  • 1up pulls info from your website, Google Drive, previous RFPs, and more to give you the most complete response on the first try.
  • Don’t worry about old knowledge. 1up automatically finds the most recent, accurate info to generate the best answers.
  • Have a library of content you’ve already built up? 1up makes it easy for to migrate from legacy RFP tools and be up and running in minutes.

Complete Excel, Word, and Web-based questionnaires

  • Respond to RFPs in any format. 1up makes it easy to generate professional responses that look great.
  • Improve answers on the fly to teach 1up new information. The more answers you generate, the better 1up gets.
  • Rich Text Editing enhances your responses with bold text, bulleted lists, and links.
  • Automated spelling and grammar checks ensure you never need to worry about proofreading your knowledge sources.
AI RFP Response Automation
RFP Questionnaire Collaborate with Teammates

Collaborate with teammates and subject matter experts

  • Need help with a response? Tag a teammate!
  • Collaborators can review, edit, and improve answers.
  • 1up automatically remembers your changes and applies them to similar questions.

Generate RFP responses in multiple languages

  • Set your preferred language and response length.
  • You don’t even need your data sources to be in different languages. 1up automatically translates your responses.
SOC2 Compliance

Enterprise-grade speed, security, and transparency

1up is a SOC2 compliant platform built by cybersecurity engineers. 
All data is encrypted at rest and in-transit. Documents added to 1up are never used to train AI models. Users maintain full control and visibility over their data.

Find Out How FusionAuth Completes RFPs 10x Faster with 1up

FusionAuth is a leader in Identity Access Management with some of the most security-conscious customers in the world. They needed a fast and simple way to automate complex questionnaires. That’s where 1up comes in.

Sales Engineers Love 1up

We get lengthy RFPs with hundreds of complex questions. 1up’s ability to automate technical knowledge has helped us accelerate this process like never before.

Kahlil Lewis, Sales Engineering @ FusionAuth

Respond with predictable, consistent
answers using sources you trust.
Every time.

Say goodbye to manually researching and writing responses. 1up automates your RFP workflow with answer generation, collaboration, reviews, and more.

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FAQ Critter

How can I generate answers for specific products?

1up generates a knowledge base for your products and automatically segments data based on product line. Simply tell 1up the product line to generate answers for and we’ll handle the rest.

What document formats does 1up support?

1up is designed to handle complex documents in Word, Excel, Google Sheet, PDF, and Web-Based questionnaire format. We take care of the formatting headaches so you can upload documents and export answers with ease.

Can I use import web documentation?

Yes! Product docs, technical resources, even API reference pages are excellent sources of information. 1up analyzes all of your connected domains and webpages to create a powerful knowledge base.

How can I get teammates to help?

Invite your teammates to review and contribute to speed up any RFP process. Role-based access control ensures teammates can review, edit, or manage your questionnaires.

Does 1up proofread documents?

1up automatically proofreads your RFP responses to ensure perfect grammar and spelling – eliminating the need for manual review and ensures accurate, polished responses.

What languages does 1up support?

1up can understand documents and generate RFP responses in over 20 different languages.