Those of us who have worked on a Request for Proposal (RFP) understand the pain.

Proposal managers need to be able to juggle complex tasks while hitting deadlines and keeping up with a high volume of questionnaires. They coordinate with teammates across the sales organization, from SE’s to solution consultants, product managers, sales reps, and even security engineers. Even the simplest RFP questionnaire can take weeks to complete.

And after all that hard work, you might just find out that you didn’t win the deal. Yeah, that’s real pain.

Luckily, we’ve got the internet to distract us. Here are our 25 favorite memes for the overworked proposal manager in your life.

Agreeing to an RFP Meme

We’ll just deal with it later, I guess?

Long Complex RFP Meme

It’s not like we don’t enjoy filling out hundreds of questions while the sales team hovers over us.

RFP Analyst Meme

The proposal process is a team effort and you’re gonna need all the help you can get.

Sales Process Meme

The entire process has its ups and downs, but the proposal end of it is by far the most painful.

RFP Manager Meme

At least it pays well. Right? Luckily you can make it slightly less painful by automating RFP responses.

Countersigned PO Meme

After a 5-month process and hundreds of hours spent answering questions? Yes it do feel that way.

Docusign Sales Meme


RFP Opportunity Meme

The best sales teams know you’re gonna want to evaluate the proposal before responding.

Is this the right account? Can we meet the requirements? Are they just using us to compare against someone who already won the deal?

Ask yourself the hard questions and you’ll focus on the deals that are most likely to succeed.

Customer Signing a Deal Meme

That proposal took you 2 days to complete. You just have to wait another 2 months to get it signed.

Complete RFPs and questionnaires in minutes, not days

Procurement Dept Meme

Look, we got nothing but love for the procurement department. But do they ever make the deal easier?

Proposal Manager Meme

The customer said they needed it done by Friday. That was 23 Fridays ago.

I Hate Sales Meme

You don’t have to love sales to be great at proposal management but you do need to enjoy staring at an excel spreadsheet for 36 hours.

RFP Proposal Meme

We have enough on our plate, thank you.

Submitting a Request for Proposal Meme

I don’t blame them. In this day and age you need all the luck you can get.

Ask Legal Team for Help with Sale Meme

If you’re working a proposal and you need help from legal, it’s probably time to let that one go.

Overworked RFP Manager Meme

To be fair, everyone in the sales org looks like this now.

RFP Software Meme

If you’ve ever tried any of the legacy proposal management tools, you know the feeling.

RFP Proposal Response Meme

Especially true of the folks who create proposals with dozens of tabs, multiple choice questions, macros, and images.

Complex Sales Process Meme

Now add a 32-page proposal into the mix and a hard deadline. Perfection.

Product Roadmap Meme

Lie on an RFP and future you will not be happy.

Are you working on an RFP right now? We don’t envy you. In fact, we understand what it takes. Check out our deep dive into what makes RFP responses so slow?