How to Automate Due Diligence Questionnaires

How to Automate Due Diligence Questionnaires

A Complex DDQ Can Slow Down Any Deal

Chances are you’ve run into the dreaded Due Diligence Questionnaires (DDQ). If you haven’t imagine this scenario – you’re working in sales and a deal is about to close, when all of a sudden you get a 200-question document that you have to fill out. It’s a painful manual process and you don’t even know where to get all the information you’re looking for.

If you’ve ever filled out a complex DDQ, you know that half the battle is looking for answers to questions you’ve never been asked before. Manually writing the response is painful enough, but the search for knowledge is what really slows things down. In fact, we’ve found that searching for answers is the biggest factor in slowing down questionnaire responses. Ideally, this process should be automated.

How to Automate DDQ Responses with AI

In this demo, we show how we’re able to upload a due diligence questionnaire and automatically generate answers with 1up. These answers are coming from the 1up Knowledge Base, which consists of thousands of URLs that we’ve connected, as well internal company documents and previously completed questionnaires. The best responses use a mix of PDFs, RFPs, and due diligence documents such as our KYC policy, AML policy, ABC policy, and much more.

What 1up does really well is it connects all this knowledge to quickly generate answers to due diligence questions. So you don’t need to go looking for that information or searching through a big knowledge base for the different sources. 1up takes a new approach to RFP AI, by providing answers that you know are accurate and are coming from a knowledge base that you already connected.

Want to answer your sales team’s due diligence questionnaires 10x faster? Try 1up for Free.

How to Build a Knowledge Base for Questionnaires
SIG Lite Automation