Sales Deck

A sales deck, also known as a pitch deck, is a presentation used by sales teams to pitch their company’s products or services to potential customers. It serves as a visual aid and storytelling tool that outlines the key benefits and features of what’s being offered, tailored to address the prospective customer’s specific needs and pain points. 

A sales deck will typically include:

  • An introduction to the company.
  • An overview of the product or service.
  • Evidence of its value in the form of case studies, testimonials, or projections.
  • A clear call to action.

A deck is often used alongside a sales script, which guides reps on how they should audibly communicate with a prospect. The objective of a sales deck is to engage the audience, whether in a one-on-one meeting, a webinar, or a large conference, and communicate the product or service’s merits in solving their unique problems and challenges.

How to Build a Great Sales Deck:

Sales Development Representative (SDR) FAQs

What is a sales deck? 

A sales deck is a presentation that sales teams use to pitch their products or services to potential clients. It typically includes key information about the company, product features, benefits, and value propositions.

What should be included in a sales deck? 

A sales deck should include a compelling opening, an overview of the company and its offerings, customer testimonials or case studies, competitive analysis, pricing information, and a strong call to action.

How should a sales deck be structured?

The classic structure helps to engage an audience by stating the problem, outlining the impact of the problem, and describing the proposed solution.