IT and Infosec professionals hold a lot of responsibility. Imagine carrying the weight of the company’s technical systems on your back, while also being distracted by constant requests from every other team.

And at the end of the day, you’re dealing with an endless stream of vulnerabilities, technical issues, and malicious actors who have nothing to lose.

Cyber security teams don’t have much to laugh about these days. So here are 24 security memes to make you feel better about the job.

Infosec job titles are a distraction, can we agree on that?

You can’t just work in cyber security… you have to LOVE working in it.

When IT admins aren’t telling users to unplug and plug it back in, they’re being dragged into pointless meetings.

Sometimes it’s good advice. Sometimes.

What do you expect? Have you looked at a CISO’s calendar?

Raveling to a black hole and moving time forward might actually help solve the IT budget delay problem.

Is there anything more rewarding than a career in information security? By the way, you should be automating security questionnaires if you aren’t already.

This is an exaggeration. We hear it’s really much less cheerful than this.

Yes, IT is tedious, demanding, and full of micromanagement. But it’s also rewarding.

If anything, we need more cyber security software, not less. /s

How can anyone be productive in an IT/Infosec role? You’re bombarded by constant distractions from all directions.

We’ve met people who respond to security questionnaires and can confirm this.

The most alarming thing about this meme is that the CISO would approve a lunch break in the first place.

Does anyone know what any of these terms mean?

If you work in IT / infosec, you know that your job is a series of distractions followed by complaints from people who are locked out of their workstation.

We love our friends in the sales org. They keep the lights on so we can keep fixing the light bulbs.

When do infosec professionals actually “clock out” ???

“You said you wrote it down on a post-it note? And you threw it away? Got it.”

Responding to compliance requests is a tedious job. We recommend compiling a questionnaire knowledge base to make it faster.

Logan Roy would have made an excellent CISO.

Delete the logs and move on. Their spirits cannot help you now.

The good news is they actually listen and take advice. We’re big proponents of sales and IT working closely together.

On the other hand, sometimes sales gets carried away 😅

Promising roadmap features is one thing. Promising security and compliance is a whole can of worms.

Hopefully these made you feel better about your role in IT / Infosec. For more LOLs, check out our library of sales memes.