Bad Leads

Bad leads are low-qualified prospects that are unlikely to buy your product or service. They’re often referred to as “tire kickers”; they have no particular interest in what a business has to offer because they either i) don’t understand their needs or ii) their needs have been met by something else.

It’s important to filter out bad leads before they get into the sales pipeline because sales teams will just be wasting their time and resources on them if they try to engage. At the end of the day, bad leads are probably not going to invest in your product or service and thus they will deliver no benefit to the business.

Generally speaking, bad leads:

  • Don’t understand what a business offers to them
  • Don’t understand the value of this offering
  • Don’t have any (or have low) decision-making power
  • Aren’t motivated enough to buy a product or service

How to avoid bad leads:

Bad Leads FAQs

What are bad leads in sales? 

Bad leads are potential customers or prospects who are unlikely to convert into paying customers. This might be due to a lack of interest, being a poor fit for the product or service, or incorrect contact information.

How to identify bad leads? 

Lead scoring, qualification criteria, and sales feedback can all help. Signs of bad leads include lack of engagement, mismatched demographics, and unresponsiveness to follow-up attempts.

Why is managing bad leads important? 

Managing bad leads is important to focus sales efforts and resources on high-quality leads with a higher likelihood of conversion. This improves productivity and overall sales effectiveness.