Always Be Closing

Always be closing (ABC) is a sales mantra that emphasizes the ultimate goal of sales: To sell a product or service to consumers by keeping the process moving forward. The phrase originated in the 1992 David Mamet film Glengarry Glen Ross, which is about the darker side of the sales industry. 

The ABC approach underlines the mindset that sales reps’ actions should generate value by contributing towards closing out a deal. It’s not just about making good impressions, presenting the product effectively, and nurturing relationships; it’s about ensuring that all interactions are angled toward the point where a prospect makes a purchase.

The Always Be Closing Method in Sales:

Always Be Closing (ABC) FAQs

What does “Always Be Closing” mean? 

“Always Be Closing” is a sales mantra that emphasizes the importance of consistently working towards closing a sale at every stage of the sales process. It encourages sales teams to keep the end goal of converting prospects into customers in mind throughout their interactions.

How can sales teams apply the ABC principle? 

Sales professionals can apply the ABC principle by actively listening to prospects, identifying their needs, presenting compelling solutions, addressing objections, and consistently steering conversations toward the next step in the sales process that leads to a close.

Is the ABC approach high-pressure? 

The ABC approach is sometimes criticized for being too aggressive and transactional, potentially leading to high-pressure tactics that can harm customer relationships and long-term loyalty. Modern sales strategies often emphasize building trust and providing value over hard-selling techniques.