Startup Runway

Runway, also known as start-up runway, is the amount of time that a start-up can continue operating in the market before it runs out of money, assuming that its income and expenses will remain constant during this time.

You can think of start-up runway a lot like an airport’s runway. There’s only a limited amount of room that an airplane can use. Once this runs out, it’s game over, much like it could be game over for a start-up that doesn’t have enough money to keep its operations running with.

Calculating Runway is relatively straightforward for start-ups that have at least a few months’ worth of income and expenditure figures behind them. Naturally, the more figures you’ve got (i.e., a few years’ worth vs a few months’ worth), the more accurate Runway calculations will be.

You can calculate it using this simplified formula:

Runway = current cash balance ÷ burn rate

Startup Runway Explained:

Startup Runway FAQs

What is startup runway?

Startup runway refers to the time a startup can operate before it exhausts its available funding. It’s typically measured in months based on current cash reserves and projected expenses.

Why does startup runway matter?

It’s an important metric for planning and decision-making in the early stages and helps startups determine their financial health, fundraising needs, and operational priorities to sustain and grow their business.

What factors can impact startup runway?

Burn rate (monthly expenses), revenue growth, fundraising efforts, market conditions, and operational efficiency can all shorten or lengthen the runway.