Middle of the Funnel 

Middle-of-funnel (MOFU) is the middle stage between top-of-funnel (TOFU) and bottom-of-funnel (BOFU) after potential customers have moved beyond the initial awareness stage and are now considering your product, but they’re not yet ready to make a purchase. 

At the MOFU stage, potential customers closely scrutinize what you offer and assess how it helps solve their problems and challenges. MOFU therefore presents the perfect opportunity for sales teams to nurture a strong relationship with the prospect through extended, personalized engagement and the delivery of content that helps them evaluate the product, such as case studies and white papers.  

Examples of MOFU Marketing:

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) FAQs

What is the Middle of the Funnel? 

The middle of the funnel is the stage in the buyer’s journey where leads have shown interest and are evaluating different solutions. This stage focuses on nurturing leads and providing in-depth information to move them closer to a purchase decision.

What types of content are effective in the MOFU stage? 

Case studies, whitepapers, product demos, webinars, detailed blog posts, and comparison guides help educate prospects and address their specific concerns.

How can marketers effectively engage leads in the MOFU stage? 

Marketers can engage leads in the MOFU stage by delivering personalized and relevant content, maintaining regular communication, addressing pain points, and demonstrating the unique value of their solutions.