MEDDIC Sales Methodology

MEDDIC, also sometimes known as MEDDICC and MEDDPICC, is a widely used B2B sales qualification methodology that was developed in the 1990s. It includes six individual elements that sales professionals can follow to vet and qualify their leads and sales opportunities, ultimately leading to better customer qualification.

The six MEDDIC elements correspond with the MEDDIC acronym—Metrics, Economic buyer, Decision criteria, Decision process, Identify pain, and Champion. By assessing a potential lead against all six of these elements in turn, sales professionals are able to improve their customer qualification and determine how much effort, if any, should be spent on getting a particular lead into their sales funnel.

MEDDIC helps sales teams determine whether they should put effort into getting a specific customer or type of customer into their sales funnel. This helps sales teams to focus on pitching their product or service to better-qualified customers that they are more likely to close on, thereby improving sales success. MEDDIC works to uncover areas of qualification and acts as a framework for sales teams to use to:

  • Identify customer pain points that they can leverage to drive urgency
  • Identify and influence the customers’ decision-making process
  • Empower stakeholders to understand the value of a product or service

MEDDIC also serves as a simple checklist for pursuing and closing a sale with a given lead and helps to ensure that sales staff have all the information that they need to make informed decisions.

MEDDIC Sales Process Explained:


What is the MEDDIC sales methodology? 

MEDDIC is a sales methodology designed to improve qualification and increase the chances of closing complex B2B deals. It stands for Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identify Pain, and Champion.

What do the components of MEDDIC stand for? 

The components of MEDDIC are:
Metrics – Quantifiable and compelling stats and data points that prove the value your solution provides. 
Economic Buyer – The individual with the financial authority to make the purchase decision.
Decision Criteria – The specific requirements and standards the customer uses to evaluate potential solutions.
Decision Process – The steps the customer follows to make a purchase decision, including approval processes and timelines.
Identify Pain – The primary business challenges or pain points the customer is looking to address.
Champion – An internal advocate who supports your solution and helps navigate the sales process within the customer’s organization.

What is the difference between MEDDIC vs MEDDPIC? 

MEDDIC and MEDDPIC share common elements such as understanding customer metrics and recognizing pain points. MEDDPIC takes the methodology a step further by incorporating a focus on understanding the paperwork and processes (P) involved in a sale.