Discovery Call

A discovery call is an initial conversation that takes place between a salesperson and a prospect who has shown an interest in a product or service. The sole purpose of a discovery call is to determine whether the prospect has a problem that can be solved by your product or service and whether that prospect is a good fit for it. 

Discovery calls also allow sales staff to ask questions about a prospect’s goals and needs. This information can be helpful later in the sales process when they’ve been warmed up and are more receptive to information about your product. That way, you’ll be ready to explain in detail how your product can alleviate their specific pain points instead of just delivering a generalized pitch. 

How to Run a Discovery Call:

Discovery Call FAQs

What is a discovery call?

A discovery call is an initial conversation between a sales representative and a potential customer to understand their needs, pain points, and goals.

How long should a discovery call last?

A typical discovery call will last between 15 and 30 minutes, but the duration can vary based on the complexity of the discussion and the amount of information that’s needed.

What are some key objectives of a discovery call?

Key objectives include qualifying leads, uncovering challenges, identifying opportunities, and determining if there’s a good fit between the customer’s needs and the product or service offered.