How to Automate Channel Partner Enablement

How to Automate Channel Partner Enablement

Turn Your Channel Partners into Product Experts

If you’ve been watching our demos, you’ve already seen how sales teams are using 1up to automate RFPs, compliance questionnaires, and sales enablement.

Now, what about channel partners?

If you’ve ever run a channel program, you know partners may not always be familiar with your products and services.

When partners have questions, they come to you, distract your sales reps, contact your SEs, or worse, they make stuff up as they go along. This can be painful and make it difficult for them to close deals. We want channel partners to be up to speed all the time, have the best knowledge, and basically be an extension of your sales team.

With 1up, we can head to the knowledge base and upload our channel partner playbook. This could be a PDF, a web page, or, in this case, a Word doc. Some folks invite channel partners to 1up directly, others add them to a Slack channel or Microsoft Teams channel.

How 1up helps automate channel partner enablement:

Lightning-Fast Answers to Partner Questions
Let’s say you have a channel partner on Slack, and they ask, “Who should I hand off a deal with a 500-person company?” This is something your channel partners might ask via email or when they are unsure. 1up gives them an answer right then and there, directly from your channel partner playbook and other connected sources like the RevOps sales playbook. This ensures the answer is accurate and your channel partner is happy without distracting your team.

Accelerate Partner Onboarding
Your channel partner might have a more specific question, like “What product certifications do we have?” They might not know this off the top of their head or where to look, but with 1up, they get a fast and accurate answer from trusted sources connected to your knowledge base.

Easy Integration with Communication Tools
Teams can open up 1up to their channel partners via Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Google Chat, or invite those channel partners directly to ask 1up. By adding them as collaborators or users, they can ask questions directly, accelerating partner enablement without building out a whole portal or constantly training them.

This is how teams are effectively using 1up to support their channel partners, ensuring they have the knowledge they need to close deals and support customers. Want to answer your channel partners’ questions 10x faster? Try 1up for Free.

Automate Technical Sales Enablement
RevOps AI