Account-based Marketing (ABM)

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a business growth strategy that allocates resources to a set of target accounts within a defined, segmented market. It aligns both marketing and sales teams from the outset to promote long-term business growth and improve customer experience through personalized buying experiences and tailored communications for targeted high-value accounts.

ABM strategies enable teams to eliminate less- or low-valued targets early in the marketing process, ensuring that all resources are hyper-focused on engaging and converting the right, high-value audience. In doing so, marketing and sales teams can unlock greater ROI from their campaigns and improve customer loyalty.

Examples of ABM Software tools:

Account Based Marketing Explained:

Account-based Marketing (ABM) FAQs

What is account-based marketing?

Account-based marketing is a marketing tactic whereby brands focus on specific target accounts or companies rather than casting a wide net. This is achieved by tailoring marketing efforts and messaging to address the unique needs of each account.

How does ABM differ from traditional marketing?

Unlike traditional marketing efforts that target a broad audience, account-based marketing is highly personalized. This creates deeper relationships and higher-value engagements with key accounts.

Why implement account-based marketing?

B2Bs can realize several benefits from implementing account-based marketing. These include better alignment between sales and marketing teams, higher conversion rates, improved customer retention, and a more efficient use of resources targeting high-potential accounts.